Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota
An invitation to explore secrets hidden away in the depths of our imagination.
The Great Magic
The greatest work by the Italian writer Eduardo De Filippo, ranging from illusion to reality, from humor to transgression.
ZOO or the philanthropic murderer
A legal investigation into what makes human identity and what the future holds for it. A fable of philosophy and fantasy based on the novel “You Shall Know Them”
The Crucible
A modern classic, a dive into troubled areas of mankind: when the moral consensus turns into devastating hysteria.
Six Characters in Search of an Author
On the stage of a theater in the middle of a rehearsal, six characters appear, six strangers that nobody expected...
Ionesco suite
Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota and his Troupe examine Ionesco's universe
A great fictional tale about the disappearance of our world, a timeless production of the Théâtre de la Ville troupe.
Alice and other wonders
A dreamlike version of Alice in Wonderland where this extraordinary journey continues to be invented. An inexhaustible imagination and the great machinery of the theatre to plunge back into childhood.
Alice goes through the looking glass
Beyond the mirrors of time and space, Alice meets other young heroines who resemble her, in a journey full of fantsay and sees of science.
Wanted Petula
From one planet to another, a seven-year-old boy searches for the love of his life. A recreation with the Troupe du Théâtre de la Ville of this adventure for all generations...