Rethinking alliances between fields

"In May 2020, we founded "Tenir Parole"[“to keep one’s word”] : a new alliance of actors from health, science, arts and education whose common desire is to stimulate and drive a new imagination. To create a new space for dialogue and coordinate new actions to get through this unprecedented period in history together.
It is time to consider that this epidemic is also a factor in accelerating our choices and commitments.

Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota

For the past 3 years, spaces for discussion and creation where science and art meet have been opened at the Théâtre de la Ville, in connection with scientists, doctors and associated students.

This 'Art and Science' program offers several formats: the Art and Science Meetings, the Scientific Consultations, the Health-Culture Academy, and numerous artistic actions in hospitals for caregivers and patients.

Associated scientists

Since March 2020, associated scientists have been involved with the Theatre de la Ville :


Astrophysicist, Director of Research Emeritus at CNRS


Biologist and philosopher, director of research emeritus at the CNRS


Biologist, professor at Sorbonne University and the National Museum of Natural History


Architect, founder of the Futuroscope of Poitiers


Professor of physics at the Sorbonne University, in charge of equality for the Faculty of Science and Engineering


Neurosurgeon at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Sorbonne University, Brain Institute (ICM)


Neurologist at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Sorbonne University, Brain Institute (ICM)

During lockdown, they provided Science Phone Consultations, which are discussions on a scientific theme based on the model of the Poetic Consultations.

Carine Karachi, neurosurgeon at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, participates in the Culture-Health Academy since August 2020.

Jean Audouze, astrophysicist, participates in the programming of different formats for meetings between the public, artists and scientists : ‘Rencontre Science et Poésie’ and ‘Tables rondes Art et science’ .

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