Catherine Verlaguet
author and playwright

Catherine Verlaguet is known as an author of outstanding works for young audiences (Braises, Entre eux deux and Les Vilains Petits), and has also worked on texts for the stage director Olivier Letellier, adapting Oh Boy! by Marie-Aude Murail (published by Molière Jeune Public in 2010), and La Mécanique du hasard (based on the novel Le Passage by Louis Sachar). Together with Magali Mougel and Sylvain Levay she is co-author of La nuit où le jour s’est levé, and with Fady Jomar devised the libretto of Kalila Wa Dimma, an opera composed by Moneim Adwan and premiered in 2016 at the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence.