Olivier Letellier
stage director

Stage director Olivier Letellier, a graduate of the Ecole Jacques Lecoq, combines story-telling with the “théâtre d’objets” as well as marionettes, dance, and circus arts, and has built up special bonds with contemporary authors. Catherine Verlaguet is one such writer, and in New York in 2017, they presented an English-language version of their joint success “Oh, Boy!” based on the novel by Marie-Aude Murail. Other original works presented at his Théâtre du Phare include La Mort du roi Stongor (Laurent Gaudé), La Scaphandrière (Daniel Danis) and works commissioned for young audiences, e.g. La nuit où le jour s’est levé (Catherine Verlaguet, Magali Mougel and Sylvain Levey).