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Manuel Granatiero traverso

Baldomero Barciela viole de gambe

Violaine Cochard clavecin

BWV or not…

The Inauthentic Bach – on Authentic instruments

J. S. Bach ou C. P. E. Bach

Trio Sonata in G major (BWV 1038)

J. G. Pisendel

Sonate in C minor (BWV 1024)

J. S. Bach

Trio Sonata in C minor BWV, BWV 1079 ;

Trio Sonata in D major (BWV 1028)

C. P. E. Bach

Sonata in D minor (BWV 1036)

Johann Sebastian Bach's catalogue is punctuated by works for which the attribution is uncertain. With “Gli Incogniti”, Amandine Beyer will play some more than probably inauthentic pieces (BWV 1024 and 1036).

D. C.

5 € to 19 € the show

Violon baroque Amandine Beyer
Gli Incogniti

Manuel Granatiero traverso

Baldomero Barciela viole de gambe

Violaine Cochard clavecin

BWV or not…

The Inauthentic Bach – on Authentic instruments

J. S. Bach ou C. P. E. Bach

Sonate en trio, en sol majeur (BWV 1038)

J. G. Pisendel

Sonate en ut mineur (BWV 1024)

J. S. Bach

Sonate en trio, en ut mineur, BWV 1079 ;

Sonate en trio, en ré majeur – d’après le BWV 1028

C. P. E. Bach

Sonate en ré mineur (BWV 1036)

As part of


Spend the week-end with Amandine Beyer violin

Amandine Beyer, Justin Taylor, Gli Incogniti

Sat 20 Jan 2018

8:30 PM

5 € to 19 € the show

Book event