His company « Occhisulmondo » that he founded in 2005, is based in Perugia, Umbria. With a preference for the physical theatre and the masked plays, Massimiliano Burini undertook an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Othello with nearly forty young people from eight European countries. He will reveal the first outlines of the piece at the Paris Italian Cultural Institute, that’s associated to this long-term project.
Overtitled in French
Country Italie
Massimiliano Burini
Mariella Carbone
Translation & script
Massimiliano Burini, Giuseppe Montalto
Assistant to the staging
Matteo Svolacchia
staging Massimiliano Burini mask Mariella Carbone translation & script Massimiliano Burini & Giuseppe Montalto, Augustin Le Coutour assistant to the staging Matteo Svolacchia
costumes by Sartoria Fiorentina & Sartoria Evinger Csillawith Daniele Aureli, Amedeo Carlo Capitanelli, Andriy Maslenkin,Caterina Fiocchetti, Greta Oldoni, Matteo Svolacchia

Wed 30 May 2018
8:00 PM
Free entry on reservation