A romantic dream torn by human violence but constantly reborn where Shechter leads a young company at the heart of his fierce urgency.
Hofesh Shechter needs no introduction: skillfully orchestrated choreographic lightning, unconditional physical engagement of the performers, communities galvanized by the heritage of passion for dance. All his pieces are equally sophisticated, contrasting and complex. The proof through “SHOW”, an electro-baroque grand ball where four couples surrender to an anthology of styles, from the most codified to the most tribal one, combining techno music spirit, court dances and Mediterranean roots. Such a melting-pot seeks celestial freedom but ends up being confronted to human violence and becomes the mechanism of a macabre dream, based on a Shechter’s piece created for renowned Dutch NDT: “Clowns”, broadened here for Shechter II young dancers who announce a brilliant future for Hofesh’s dance.
Thomas Hahn
choreography & music
Hofesh Shechter
Shechter II
lighting design Lee Curran (Clowns), Richard Godin (Show) – – DIRECTEUR DES RÉPÉTITIONS Chien Ming Chang COSTUMES Laura Rushton DIRECTION TECHNIQUE Holly Gould LIGHTING BOOTH Katherine Elliot ADDITIONAL MUSIC Arcangelo Corelli, Concerto grosso in G Minor, op. 6, N° 8 « fatto per la notte di Natale» PERFORMED BY Chiara Banchini & Ensemble 415 (Christmas, Music by Candlelight) ; Shin Joong Hyun, The Sun PERFORMED BY Kim Jung Mi (Beautiful Rivers and Mountains : The Psychedelic Rock Sound of South Korea’s Shin Joong Hyun) – with Robinson Cassarino, Emma Farnell-Watson, Natalia Gabrielczyk, Adam Khazhmuradov, Neal Maxwell, Zunnur Sazali, Juliette Valerio, Riley Wolf
Les danseurs de Shechter II ont reçu le Prix de la Critique meilleurs interprètes pour SHOW au Théâtre des Abbesses en avril 2018.
Thu 20 Dec 2018
8:00 PM
10 à 32€
Fri 21 Dec 2018
2:30 PM
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Fri 21 Dec 2018
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Sat 22 Dec 2018
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Sun 23 Dec 2018
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Wed 26 Dec 2018
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Thu 27 Dec 2018
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Thu 27 Dec 2018
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Fri 28 Dec 2018
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Sat 29 Dec 2018
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Sat 29 Dec 2018
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Sun 30 Dec 2019
4:00 PM
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