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Two artists discovered through Danse élargie, two quartets evoking the loss of self. The first through a dance of possession. The second through the terrifying possibility of the end of the world.

Lignes de conduite Lignes de conduite by Maud Blandel, a finalist at Danse élargie 2016, draws its power from the tarantella, a dance closely related to ancient ceremonies of ritual trance in southern Italy. A highly physical dance, both ecstatic and exultant, a pre-Christian ritual, the tarantella can lead to a primal scream. Here, four women explore the transformation of this cathartic ritual into folklore and investigate the place of the sacred in such a transformation. Fin et Suite, the new piece by Simon Tanguy (2nd Prize at Danse élargie 2010) also deals with going beyond yourself. Four performers are overcome by a dizzying, constant logorrhea provoked by the feeling that the end of the world is imminent. With nothing to lose as they simultaneously face the end of times and infinity, they undertake a breathtaking last dance.

Thomas Hahn

10 À 26 €

concept & chorégraphie Maud Blandel
chorégraphie et texte Simon Tanguy

Lignes de conduite

Collaborator on choreographic design Maya Masse original Music Charlemagne Palestine Musical Arrangements Clive Jenkins set design Karim Bel Kacem lighting design Jean-Philippe Roy with Gabriela Gómez Abaitua, Maya Masse, Romane Peytavin, Caroline Savi Marsalo

Fin et Suite

dramaturgy & direction Thomas Chopin Mixing-editin Jérémy Rouault lighting design Ronan Bernard costumes Stefani Gicquiaud Production & diffusion Marion Cachan with Margaux Amoros, Jordan Deschamps, Margaux Marielle-Trehouart, Sabine Rivière

As part of


Nouveaux Talents danse

Danse élargie suite

Wed 18 Sep 2019

8:00 PM

10 À 26 €

Book event

Thu 19 Sep 2019

8:00 PM

10 À 26 €

Book event


Sep 14Sep 15, 2019

7 pièces de 10 minutes

Programme d'ouverture