Oct 15Oct 17, 2019
Ceux qui m’aiment
Pascal Greggory • Écrits de Patrice Chéreau textes, correspondances et autres récits

Another face of Patrice Chéreau, one that is more secret and more intimate, admirably brought to the stage by Pascal Greggory.
In discussing his working relationship with Patrice Chéreau, the actor Pascal Greggory states: “Never have I felt so desired.” We know Chéreau as a theater and opera director, a filmmaker, sometimes an actor; we know him much less, or not at all, as a writer. This gap has recently been filled by the publication of the three volumes of his “work journal,” which followed the writings collected in Les Visages et les Corps. By proposing this reading of a selection of texts, notably including excerpts from his correspondence, Pascal Greggory, undoubtedly one of the actors closest to this director he so often acted for, in particular in Bernard-Marie Koltès’s In the Solitude of Cotton Fields, reveals a more secret, more intimate Patrice Chéreau, with his convictions and his doubts.
With Pascal Greggory
direction Jean-Pierre Pancrazi Dramaturgy Anne-Louise Trividic lights Dominique Bruguiere Assisted by Pierre Gaillardot Sound Olivier Innocenti Video Florent Fouquet Costumes Annie Thiellement
Tue 15 Oct 2019
8:00 PM
10 € à 26 €
Wed 16 Oct 2019
8:00 PM
10 € à 26 €
Thu 17 Oct 2019
8:00 PM
10 € à 26 €