An exceptional moment to share together, to discover the instruments, music and dance of Norouz with the dancer Shukronakhon Kamalkhodjaeva.
Nowruz is celebrated in Iran and in all the countries that have been marked by the Persian Empire, namely the countries of the Middle East, Kurdistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and many others... Nowruz (also called Navruz, Nowrooz... depending on the country) celebrates the awakening of nature. It is a day of general joy, of rebirth, which reminds us of the deep links between Man and Nature. Nowruz is an incentive to start a new life. For the occasion, the Théâtre de la Ville will be decorated with the colors, scents and flavors of this ancestral festival, and invites you to participatory workshops, with dance and music!
As part of
Sun 20 Mar 2022
12:31 PM