Brigitte Jaques-Wajeman

Artistic Itinerary
Brigitte Jaques-Wajeman created Spring Awakening by Wedekind at the 1974 Autumn Festival. She founded the Pandora Company with François Regnault, and together they managed the Théâtre de la Commune / Pandora in Aubervilliers from 1991 to 1997. She teaches at the ENSATT (National School for Performing Arts) and at the ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Ulm).
The cycle of “Colonial Corneille” started in 1983 (see above). By Corneille, she also brought to the stage: Horace, La Place Royale, L’Illusion comique, Le Cid (Comédie-Française, 2005-2006). Elvira Jouvet 40 (Lessons by Jouvet on Dom Juan’s Elvira, 1986) met with great success and toured the world. L’Imposture, adapted from Bernanos (Théâtre de la Ville, 1989) was followed by The Break of Noon by Claudel (1990).
At the Comédie-Française she staged The Night of the Iguana by Tennessee Williams, Ruy Blas by Victor Hugo, Britannicus by Racine. Mrs Klein by Nicholas Wright, Angels in America by Tony Kushner. Dom Juan (1998), Tartuffe (2009) by Molière are later productions. She also approached the opera with Don Giovanni by Mozart (Toulouse) and even contemporary operas (Ligeti, Aperghis, M.-O. Dupin).