Espace Partagé

Espace Partagé

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It is the highlight of the school year for the hero in the series by David Lescot: he is in the first year of junior high school, and his class will be going on an excursion to discover nature and rural life! Well, that is if it they actually get there, because all the parents need to give their permission, which turns out to be trickier than expected. But they are certainly dreaming about their rural discovery excursion: a field trip out into the wide open spaces in the countryside, in the fresh air, working on the farm, living together as a group, and for the first time a long way from home, so there’s great excitement ahead! But the countryside may not be as calm and peaceful as people would have us believe; it is full of mysterious tales, legends and characters. Back at home, nature is also prevailing with the three-year-old sister who is determined to make everyone environmentally friendly.

From €8 to €16
10:00, 14:30, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00
8 years and older

Texte et mise en scène David Lescot

Scenography François Gauthier-Lafaye
Lighting Juliette Besançon
Costumes Mariane Delayre
Stage direction assistant Mona Taïbi

Alternating: Lyn Thibault, Élise Marie, Sarah Brannens, Lia Khizioua-Ibanez, Marion Verstraeten, Camille Bernon

Production Compagnie du Kaïros. Coproduction Théâtre de la Ville-Paris. La Compagnie du Kaïros est soutenue par le ministère de la Culture – DRAC Île-de-France. Le texte de la pièce est édité aux Solitaires Intempestifs, collection jeunesse, avec les illustrations d'Anne Simon. Production / Diffusion Véronique Felenbok, Carol Ghionda, Marion Arteil.

Sat 2 Nov 2024

3:00 PM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Sun 3 Nov 2024

3:00 PM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Mon 4 Nov 2024

10:00 AM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Mon 4 Nov 2024

2:30 PM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Wed 6 Nov 2024

10:00 AM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Wed 6 Nov 2024

3:00 PM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Thu 7 Nov 2024

10:00 AM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Thu 7 Nov 2024

2:30 PM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Fri 8 Nov 2024

7:00 PM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Sat 9 Nov 2024

5:00 PM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Sun 10 Nov 2024

5:00 PM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Tue 12 Nov 2024

7:00 PM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Wed 13 Nov 2024

10:00 AM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Wed 13 Nov 2024

3:00 PM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Thu 14 Nov 2024

10:00 AM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Thu 14 Nov 2024

2:30 PM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Fri 15 Nov 2024

10:00 AM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Fri 15 Nov 2024

7:00 PM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Sat 16 Nov 2024

5:00 PM

From €8 to €16

Book event

Young audience

Nov 09Nov 16, 2024
