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J’ai trop peur + J’ai trop d’amis + Je suis trop vert

The third part of the trilogy, Je suis trop vert [I’m too green], is being presented for the first time, but the complete trilogy can be seen in a one-day program at the Théâtre de la Ville-Sarah Bernhardt, and with the same trio of girls acting in all the plays. The hero tells his tale, describes his sister who has a funny way of speaking, and talks about other characters in his life. Descriptions of emotions, worries and fear, as well as minor defeats and major victories are all there in a present-day saga, the story of a ten-and-a-half-year-old hero and his surprise and amazement as he learns about life.

00:50 chaque spectacle
From €8 to €16
10:00, 11:00, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00
8 years and older

Scenography François Gauthier-Lafaye
Lighting Juliette Besançon
Costumes Mariane Delayre
Stage direction assistant Mona Taïbi

Alternating: Lyn Thibault, Élise Marie, Sarah Brannens, Lia Khizioua-Ibanez, Marion Verstraeten, Camille Bernon